Day 2 – Friday, 15 November
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Opening ceremony and welcome
Luca Cordaro, Hom-Lay Wang, Yasushi Nakajima, Fumihiko Watanabe, Lin Ye , Li De Hua
Session 1 – The management of hard and soft tissue in the esthetic zone
Moderation: Hom-Lay Wang
This presentation will be focused on the benefits of applying a digital workflow for the planning and execution of bone augmentation procedures, including the bone harvesting if necessary.
Thanks to the digital technologies, the clinician can measure the bone defect before the procedure. Templates may be manufactured to harvest autogenous bone grafts in a safe way, to shape allogenic cortical plates or to fit them in the defect with more precision and more efficiency.
Other digital approaches will be briefly discussed.
- To explain the advantages of digital planning and execution
- To understand the possible pitfalls and disadvantages of the digital workflow
- To learn how to harvest a bone block in a safe and predictable way
- To share how we combine new biomaterials with printed guides to reduce treatment time, morbidity and cost for the patient
Ramón Gómez Meda
Vertical bone augmentation in the aesthetic zone is one of the most challenging bone grafting procedures. What makes it challenging Is the soft manipulation to cover the bone graft and to have an aesthetic pleasing outcome in the end. For this different flap designs were described in the literature depending on the volume of argumentation, tissue thickness, and the phenotype of the patient. For these new considerations for flap design according to the amount of Keratinized Gingiva, tissue thickness and vestibular depth have been described. Even in the case of successful bone grafting, the aesthetic outcome of the soft tissue is very challenging in cases of vertical bone augmentation. For this reason, careful planning of the aesthetic factors at the end of the treatment has to be considered.
The lecture will describe the soft tissue assessment before vertical augmentation and new flap designs for this procedure and also contemporary ways of flap manipulation according to the anatomy of each implant site
Marius Steigmann
Implant dentistry has already gained credibility in terms of functional recovery and long-term stability.
From now on, fewer steps, shorter treatment times, and less invasive procedures must be pursued to achieve similar results.
To this end, the use of face scanners and other digital devices to communicate post-treatment images and for diagnostic purposes will help clarify treatment goals and make treatment progress smarter. We would like to share with you through clinical examples.
Kazunori Umeda
Panel discussion
Coffee break
Session 2 – Introducing modern technologies in implant therapy
Moderation: Yasushi Nakajima & Li De Hua
Full-arch rehabilitation with implant supported prosthesis by immediate-function protocols has demonstrated to be a reliable treatment alternative. Static surgical template and dynamic navigation are 2 methods which are helpful for optimal implant insertion position. Dynamic navigation represents a tool providing real-time navigation, aiming for improved accuracy of implant placement, avoiding damage of anatomic structures. A further advantage consisted in planning the rehabilitations through a prosthetically driven approach, aiming for the best possible design of the prosthesis, better esthetics, optimized occlusion, This lecture will discuss the efficient workflow of dynamic navigation for implant guided surgery for full edentulous, including fixed bridge and overdenture.
Chen Gang
Recent digital innovations have been revolutionary, achieving ideal implant placement with simplified procedures. On the other hand, most of those procedures vitally require GBR and soft tissue management methods. Depending on anatomical instances, bone augmentation requires different manipulation techniques and various materials. In this lecture I will be sharing ideas based on actual clinical cases and also what are the benefits on hard and soft tissue augmentation procedures.
Ryuhei Yamanaka
Panel discussion
Lunch Break
Session 3 – Digital technologies
Moderation: Luca Cordaro
An increasing number of dental implants are placed every year. Unfortunately, the number of implant complications is increasing as well. The aim of this lecture is to show, how a large number of these implant complications could be prevented. The lecture will explain the factors associated with peri-implant diseases and the loss of peri-implant bone and soft tissue. Furthermore, this presentation will outline the paramount importance of the correct 3-dimensional positioning of the implant and how guided surgery can help clinicians to improve predictability, safety and long-term success.
Learning Outcomes
- Classification of peri-implant diseases
- Implant complications
- Causing factors of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
- Risk-evaluation of peri-implant diseases and implant complications
- Prevention of peri-implant diseases
- 3D-implant planning and guided implant surgery.
Axel Spahr
The goal is to explain the diagnosis and digital protocol along with the prosthetic and periodontal planification in order to obtain predictable results after the immediate loading of the full arch.
Digital workflows allow the clinician to minimize possible surgical and prosthodontic complications at the time the efficiency of the treatment is enhanced and the morbidity, treatment time and costs are reduced.
Learning objectives
- To comprehend the prosthodontic steps necessary for a good diagnosis and treatment plan in order to avoid future surgical or prosthodontic complications.
- To learn how to implement soft tissue augmentation techniques in order to achieve stable long-term results.
- To understand the basic and advanced digital workflow to obtain predictable results when rehabilitating full arches with immediate loading
Ramón Gómez Meda
Panel discussion
Coffee break
Session 4 – Surgical challenges in edentulous maxilla
Moderation: Atiphan Pimkhaokham
This presentation explores the importance of a prosthetic-driven approach in full-arch restorations, focusing on achieving a harmonious balance between function, esthetics, and patient satisfaction. Emphasis is placed on the concept of “beginning with the end in mind,” highlighting the necessity of planning the final prosthetic outcome even before tooth extraction and implant placement to minimize potential complications.
Through case examples, the step-by-step treatment process is demonstrated, encompassing both conventional and digital workflows. Integration of digital tools—such as intraoral scanning, computer-aided planning, and guided surgery—streamlines the process and enhances precision in achieving optimal outcomes. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive approach to full-arch restorations, ensuring a seamless journey from treatment planning to final prosthesis delivery.
Pranai Nakaparksin
From June 2008 to June 2018 altogether 485 patients (686 jaws with 2926 implants) with edentulous or severe periodontitis underwent immediate implants and immediate restoration in the Department of Oral Implantology, Peking University. Based on our clinical results, the following risks and strategies will be presented and discussed:
- How to get enough preliminary stability of implants and successful provisional prosthesis? it is clear that immediate Implants with no enough preliminary stability would not be loaded immediately which will result in patients complain and unhappy. Surgical strategies were discussed in the presentation.
- Poor implant distal position which make too longer cantilever and implant failure risky, zygoma implant and longer implant through sinus approach to nasal floor were discussed.
- To avoid peri-implantitis, surgical management including hard and soft tissue steps and prosthetical design were discussed, Some special aspects in surgical approach and prosthesis were suggested .
- what about implant failure? Risk factors were discussed base on 66 lost implants. The Bruxism and prosthesis pattern seems more risky.
- About prosthesis complications, the prosthesis with different materials were analysed, and hybride fabricated full arch prosthesis was introduced
Lin Ye
Are tilted implants the only option?
Luca Cordaro
Panel discussion
Social Evening: Loy Krathong dinner cruise